What really irks me about this is that there is a legitimate sect of journalists and social activists both on and outside Tumblr who will go on and on ad nauseum about “Masculinity so fragile”. Not everyone or every action needs defining in terms of sexuality.
If I hugged or kissed them on the cheek and someone inferes more than brotherhood, it’s a reflection on their own psychology/sexuality/perception rather than on me. They both live far away now, but even if we haven’t talked for months or seen each other in a few years, when we do it’s as if no time has passed and the bond between us is just as strong.
It’s hard to place into words, but I would come to their aid in any circumstance and sacrifice much as I know they would for me. I’ve had 2 male friends in my life of 50 years that became like brothers to me aside from my actual brother by blood. Is it because there are so few examples in media today of brotherhood among men as opposed to 60-70 years ago when Steve & Bucky first lived? Why can’t some people accept a deep male friendship that can best be described as brotherhood based on loyalty, respect, common values/morals and a history of overcoming common obstacles?